You have no chance fighting with the daemons ... but you can smile to them … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

When i started the book “My relationship with the Devil redefined my life” ... which actually is a very abstract title ... i had no idea that what i saw in the outside world as daemon forces ... are actually a projection of my thoughts and my inner soul.

But i remembered that i once read a nice story about a monk that was living in the middle of the desert ... to get rid of all the temptations of life.

You see ... the meaning of a life lived as a monk is to identify the illusions of this world and to avoid all those connections ... as in the end the monk to realize that the reason why we were placed in an outside world that looks like we cannot control ... is to take us to the inner world ... everything being just a projection ... for guidance.

The monk remained in silent for years into the desert ... but still after so many, many years he was afraid of ... women.

Even seeing the clothes of a lady ... he was already seeing the Devil itself.


He read all the religious materials from the bible to the writings of the saints ... but still had the fear that he will fail as a monk because of this temptation for women.

In the outside world he loved ... the ladies, but all those persons ruined his life ... and the only chance he had left after a life spent as that was to become ... a monk.

But the temptation remained inside of him.

It was like the alcohol for the ones addicted to it ... or the drugs for the ones that loves them.

But even in the middle of the desert ... the Devil was laughing of him ... cause caravans were coming from nowhere ... going to nowhere ... and they went close to his little tent ... and he was seeing women again and again.

The monk was praying to God day and night to get rid of this temptation ... and in the end ... when the pray was over ... he was paralyzed for 4 years.

He could not use his legs, his arms .... and nothing related to his body.

Was still alive ... his soul was in his body ... but the body itself was useless.

But ... guess what?!

When he was closing his eyes he was visualizing all the women from his life ... and all the pleasures lived with them.

He had no body to use for such pleasures ... but the desire remained inside of him.

And the monk ... in a short moment of awaking ... realized that on the path of spiritual evolution ... even with the help of the supreme intelligence that paralyzed him ... could not get rid of the Devil ... or maybe i should say ... the illusion.

The temptation was not in the outside world ... but inside of 



Reality could not be changed ... no matter how much it looked as changed ... unless he was changing for real his innerl world.

The monk had to accept that the temptation itself is not related with the outside world.

It was funny to accept that the so called Devil was not in the life from outside ... but hidden inside of him ... and became part of his being.

The Devil ... was him.

It was nothing to do ... but to smile to this inner daemon ... accept it as part of life ... but probably just decide to cut this domination over his life ... and let his beautiful side guide him to the amazing path of spiritual evolution.

For the rest of us, even if we are human beings ... same as the monk was ... maybe the best thing that we can do is to ... keep the right balance between the good and the evil part from us.

... nothing more!

Yes ... we can be daemons ... but also angels ... and all is just a decision.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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